Day 4 – 08.09.2022 Glomfjord

On 09.09.2022, the Kong Harald would dock in Ørnes in the early morning at about 06.10. I was looking for a place to stay in Ørnes and the surrounding area. So I looked for a place to stay in Ørnes and the surrounding area. showed me 3 places to stay in Glomfjord and none in Ørnes itself. One fell out immediately, because it was a dormitory with shared bathroom, a kind of youth hostel. Not really my cup of tea. That left the Glomfjord Hotel and Svartisen Apartment. On Virgil’s advice, I booked the Svartisen flat until Sunday 11.09.2022. This would also give me the opportunity to do something with Virgil 😊. We are really good friends even if we don’t see each other that often.

When I tried to enter the address of Svartisen Apartment into my sat nav after the rafting tour, my sat nav couldn’t find it. What now? I sent Virgil a photo of my sat nav and asked what was nearby.

Luckily I only had to wait a short while. He advised me to enter “Glomfjord tannklinikk” and then my sat nav showed an arrival time of 19:44. I knew from Virgil that some tunnel on the way is open until 19:00 and after that you have to wait for an escort vehicle. So my goal was to go through the tunnel before 7pm. Virgil asked:

“What do you want for dinner?”

“Fresh fish would be great,” because I wanted to eat as much fish as possible.

“Ok, I’ll go fishing and if I catch something then we’ll have fresh fish 😅”, came back.

“And I’ll head out and get back to you when I’m out of the tunnel.”

“Ok. Have a good trip.”

Then it was off to Glomfjord. Unfortunately, this time I didn’t have time to stop and enjoy the scenery along the way. The destination was clear.

Navi display to Glomfjord and tunnel

Es war wie immer nicht viel Verkehr. Ich konnte zügig fahren und fuhr durch den Tunnel um 18:50 Uhr. Nach dem Tunnel schrieb ich Virgil und er antwortete:

“Gut. Ich hatte auch Glück. Ich habe zwei Fische gefangen und werde alles vorbereiten, dass wir dann essen können. Bis gleich.”

“😊 👍”

In Glomfjord gab es dann auch Wegweiser zum Svartisen Appartement. Also ganz einfach zu finden. Einchecken problemlos und auch die Ausstattung war sehr gut.

Svartisen Appartement

As promised, we had fresh fish and white wine for dinner. Neither of us had to drive any more. Virgil and I talked in Norwegian at first, but then quickly switched to English. It was easier. 😊

fresh fish for dinner

It was a very nice day. As usual, I did the Instagram Story and the WhatsApp status before I went to bed, satisfied but also tired.

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