Day 6 – 10.09.2022 – Svartisen Glacier

The dock of the transfer boat to the Svartisen glacier was slowly filling up with people. There were a few Spaniards, a German family with a 5-year-old son, 2 German students and a few Norwegian families. From the jetty we could see a wall of fog on the sea. I hoped that there was sun behind the wall and I was not disappointed. The Spanish tourists asked me to take a photo of them. In return, they also took one of me.


By the time we had passed the wall of fog, the sun was shining, so it was perfect weather.😎

After docking, I went to borrow a bike. Virgil made me promise to do that. I didn’t really want to borrow a bike, but Virgil argued with me until I promised to borrow a bike. The Norwegians had their bikes first. In the end, everyone had a bike except the Spaniards. But they took a photo of me. Virgil was sent this as proof.

“Good”, came back short and sweet.

We then cycled about 5km to the glacier. There was even a car park for the bikes.

At the beginning I walked together with the German family. Their son seemed to like me and told me all sorts of things. So he didn’t even notice how far up we had already walked. His mother then slowed him down and took a break and we had a picnic. The little boy even wanted to share his picnic with me 😉 . I didn’t want to have a picnic until we got to the top, so I said goodbye and went on alone.

The path was not easy, but I liked it. Everywhere, stones with a blue line served as signposts. The view was simply beautiful.

Way to Svartisen Glacier

I also noticed something, but I can’t explain it. Before the tunnel, in Glomfjord, the water is really black and now after the tunnel the water is blue and partly turquoise blue.

Above fishing in Glomfjord, middle on the drive to Svartisen glacier, below view from the glacier

There is a sign at the top (in three languages: German, Norwegian and English) that you should not go too close to the glacier. I looked for a place in the sun and ate one of my sandwiches (I had made at breakfast) with tangerines and enjoyed the sun. When the sun became a little less, I dressed a little warmer and walked closer to the glacier. There I met the German family and the two students from Germany again. The little boy was happy to see me again, asked me a lot of questions, but didn’t wait for me to answer, but told me everything he had seen on the way here. Everyone quickly took a few photos of each other in front of the glacier and then we went back to a safe distance from the glacier. Then we heard a very loud noise, but we hadn’t seen what had happened. What was clear was that the glacier had moved. The sign is not there for nothing.

Svartisen Glacier

All together we made our way back. The little boy entertained us all. Just before the bicycle car park we found a nice spot and had another picnic before we rode back on the bikes. When we arrived at the pier, we sat down on a bench and enjoyed the sun with a Norwegian waffle while waiting for the transfer boat. While waiting, I texted Virgil.

“Take the transfer boat at 5:45pm.”

“Ok. Then stop on the way back just after the tunnel and we’ll try to catch another fish.”

“I’ll do that. See you in a bit.”

Waiting of the Transferboat

We had no luck today either. Each of us had a fish bite, but it wriggled so cleverly that it came off the hook again. So we went shopping again. I told Virgil, half in Norwegian and half in English, what I had experienced and showed him the photos. I also had to admit that his tip about renting a bike was a good one, because on the way back I was very happy that I didn’t have to walk the 5 km to the transfer boat.

We arranged to meet for breakfast and then WhatsApp and Instagram Story before I went to bed tired.

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