Day 1 – 18.05.2023 – let’s go to Trondheim

This time, the time until check-in in Zurich flew by. After I had booked my flight a few days before, it turned out that Eva and I would be flying together all the way to Oslo. And as if that wasn’t enough, we were also seated behind each other. That was a rare coincidence indeed.

So it happened that we took the same train. After checking in our luggage and going through security, we went to the Swiss Lounge. There we toasted to our journey with Aperol Spritz.

The flight to Oslo went very smoothly. Eva and I had a lot of fun until Oslo. A young German couple sat next to me. They wanted to stay in Oslo for a day and then take the train to Bergen. We got talking and gave the young couple a few tips. There were also some funny anecdotes from their and our travels and so there was a lot of laughter.

In Oslo we said goodbye and I went to the ARK bookshop. There I found another book from the children’s book series “Dyrehagedetektivene” (Zoo Detectives). This children’s book series helps me learn Norwegian.

Then I went to the SAS lounge, where I spent the next few hours until my connecting flight. I thought about what I wanted to do in Trondheim.

  • Rockheim Museum
  • Visit the Hurtigruten ships
  • See Nidaros Cathedral from the inside and climb up the tower

Around 10 pm I arrived in Trondheim, where I took a taxi to my accommodation. I booked the taxi.

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